Consultation Policy
Section 4 of the ATAGAA requires that every adjudicative tribunal shall develop a consultation policy. The consultation policy must describe whether and how the Boards will consult with the public when it is considering changes to rules or policies, including consultations with any persons, entities or groups of persons or entities whose interests, in the opinion of the Boards' Chair, would be affected by the changes. The consultation policy must contain any other matter specified in the regulations or in a directive of the Management Board of Cabinet.
When the Chair of the Board (or delegate) is of the opinion that a proposed change to its rules or policies would affect the interests of any of the Board's stakeholders, the Chair (or delegate) will ensure this Consultation Process is adhered to.
For the purpose of this Consultation Policy the term “stakeholder” includes all of the following:
- Parties, prospective parties and/or representatives of parties appearing before the Board
- Patient bar associations
- Health care professionals
- Community advocates
- Members of the general public
- Users of the Mental Health and Health Care Systems
The Board will invite interested and/or affected stakeholders to participate in the consultation process. The invitation may target specific stakeholder groups or may be a general request for consultation. The invitation may be issued verbally, in writing, electronically through the Board's website or in some combination of these.
The request for consultation will clearly identify the extent and nature of the consultation. The request will contain a description of the proposed rule, policy or process change, the reason for it, a timeline in which to participate in the consultation process and a contact person at the Board.
The Board will consider the feedback provided during the consultation process before adopting and/or finalizing a rule, policy or process change.